When Will the Healing Come?

There is unfortunately no predicting when and if you will be healed.  If you know the Lord, then you know the ultimate healer.  He, of course, does what He pleases in the time that He chooses.  His actions are way beyond any control that you or I have.  Does that mean it does no good to pray?  No, I don’t think so.  I personally offer continuous pray for me and my friends.  I just don’t get to control when He chooses to deliver it.

Doctors are generally smart people steeped in all of the science that is available to cure cancer.  I certainly trust my oncologist with many aspects of my life.  Science certainly has progressed greatly in the cure for the different kinds of cancer.  Doctors know more now than ever before.  They prescribe what is necessary based on their knowledge.

Science is really not at odds with the faith-based community.  Nothing comes at us unless the Lord allows it.  I believe that statement is true in both the illnesses and the cures.  The results of the procedures prescribed ultimately belong to the Lord.  I am still fascinated with how different chemicals react differently within the people.  Very few reactions seem to be the same.

I was reading in the March 2, 2009 issue of Forbes about “spontaneous tumor reductions being the rarest and most mysterious events in medicine.”  Is that healing by faith?  The people in the article were apparently not Christians, but they were being healed.  The most recent event being my friend, John, who had a tumor on his spine “vanish.”

Miraculous? Yes, I believe so.  Miracles still happen.  Miracles happen in many forms that we don’t often think of.  It is a miracle that science is given a new drug that helps in the recovery or remission process.  God continues to unfold the wonders to all.  He uses Christian and scientists alike to accomplish His work.  He works in miraculous ways that we don’t completely understand.

Everyday I see amazing things in the oncology clinic with my friends and heroes.  I watch my friend, Ben, holding his ground with pancreatic cancer and keeps one of the most gentle and positive dispositions I know.  I see Chuck who has just recovered from colon cancer where his doctor said his cure was like winning the lottery.  I watch Mary and Sandra and Karen deal with multiple types of cancer in their bodies and retaining their joy and sense of humor.  I see Judi and Cheryl take on long term illnesses and not miss a beat in their lives.  Many people in the clinic still work on jobs full time.  I know I have left someone out, these are all miracles that would not have been possible even fives years ago.  Yes, miracles happen everyday and the healing will come.

2 Responses to When Will the Healing Come?

  1. Pat says:

    Hmmm, science and Christianity…. It makes me think that if death is a result of sin and God is the author of all good things, then as new diseases manifest in the world, God’s gift is helping us systematically isolate a cure…. No real point, just a random thought as I read this.

    By the way, you write well.

  2. Judi says:

    It’s such a blessing to pray for my fellow cancer patients as we go through this “adventure” together. The Lord is working miracles constantly, and most of us are aware of His taking care of us. God bless you!

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